Open pollution testing centers and earn up to Rs 50,000 per month, such licenses will be received

pollution check center

pollution check center: In today’s time, the demand for Vehicle Pollution Testing Center is increasing day by day in almost all places. The main reason for this is, the Government of India released the new Vehicle Act in the month of December 2019.

Under this new act, if all types of documents related to the vehicle will not be found with any vehicle owner or driver, then in such a situation, the driver or owner may have to pay a heavy fine, in addition to this provision of legal penalty. Has been added to the act.

Now the owners or drivers of all the vehicles are required to have their vehicle pollution check certificate. In such a situation, if you open a vehicle pollution check center, then you can easily earn 40 to 50 thousand rupees every month. You will get all the information related to it in this article. (vehicle pollution testing center, near me)

What is the pollution check center?

  • Through the Pollution Detection Center, all vehicle owners and drivers can get a pollution certificate of their vehicle.
  • Through this certificate, it is known that which vehicle is polluting the atmosphere.
  • Of all the documents required to be made of the vehicle, a vehicle pollution certificate is also among them.
  • Vehicle pollution certificate can only be made through the Pollution Testing Center,

if it is not an important document, then you may have to face fines and some legal penalties from the government.

What is the new motor vehicle act?

  • The Government of India has implemented a new Motor Vehicle Act in the month of December of 2019.
  • Under this new Motor Act, the Government of India has made it mandatory for all drivers and vehicle owners to get all types of documents related to their vehicles.
  • Under this Act, if any driver is not found to have any type of documents related to his vehicle,
  • then the government has issued a provision to pay the necessary proceedings as well as fines, etc. on him.
  • So now this certificate is required to be with all the drivers and vehicle owners.

Necessary conditions for opening a vehicle pollution investigation center

you want to open a vehicle pollution detection center, then according to certain conditions you can open it easily, which is as follows.

you want to open a new pollution check center, then first of all it is mandatory to obtain a No Objection Certificate from your nearest RTO office.

  • You can open this test center at any petrol pump automobile workshop without any interruption.
  • After obtaining the license of Vehicle Pollution Detection Center, it has to be renewed after 1 year. Meaning it is mandatory to renew this license every year.
  • Your pollution detection center’s cabin should be yellow-colored. Whose length, width, and height must be 2.5 meters, 2 meters, and 2 meters respectively.
  • It is mandatory to enter your license number in your pollution check center.
  • You will issue a pollution certificate from your center to the appropriate driver and owner, in which you will be required to install a sticker provided by the government.
  • All the vehicles you will issue certificates through your center, it is mandatory to keep the details of all those vehicles safe for 1 year.
  • In the name in which the Certificate of Pollution Examination Center will be issued,
  • only that person will check the pollution of the vehicle and will work to provide the certificate to the driver.

pollution check center

Equipment to open Vehicle Pollution Detection Center

Before opening a vehicle pollution check center, you will need some important equipment, using which you will check the pollution of the vehicle and issue a certificate on the same basis. Know, what equipment you will need to open a pollution investigation center, which is as follows.

  1. A laptop or computer will be required.
  2. A good speed internet connection will be required.
  3. You will need a USB webcam.
  4. A power supply will be required.
  5. You will need a smoke analyzer.
  6. An agent printer will also be required.

Eligibility to open Vehicle Pollution Detection Center

You must have some necessary certificates to open a vehicle pollution testing center, only then you can open this test center easily, otherwise, you will be considered ineligible to open it.

  1. Automobile engineering certificate
  2. Motor mechanic certificate
  3. Auto mechanics certificate
  4. Scooter Mechanics Certificate
  5. Certified Certificate from Industrial Training Institute
  6. Diesel mechanics certificate

License and registration process to open pollution check center

  • To open a vehicle pollution center, you must first get your center licensed and registered.
  • To get the license of the vehicle pollution center,
  • you have to go to your nearest RTO office and give details about it and the registration process will be found on the official website of the Pollution Testing Center.

How to start a vehicle pollution investigation center

  • We do not require any kind of investment to start a vehicle pollution testing center.
  • can easily make good money by starting it with very minimal investment.
  • We need a place to open a vehicle pollution center and along with that, we have to take some equipment to open it.
  • After this, we have to go to the RTO office of our area and get a license for vehicle pollution check center, and after doing so,
  • to register your pollution center, go to the official website of vehicle pollution and submit your online application for obtaining vehicle pollution center Have to do.

Procedure for the online application to open vehicle pollution investigation center

  • To open a vehicle pollution center, we have to first go to the official website of National Highway Transport and then we will have to apply there.
  • After going to the National State Road Transport Officer website, you will see an option called “New Old PUC Center”, you will have to click on it.
  • Now here you will get an application form, through which you will apply to open a vehicle pollution center.
  • You have to fill this form very carefully with the information being asked. After filling it, you will get an option of ‘registered’ here, you have to click on it.
  • After doing so, your application gets completed easily.
  • Driving school business is in great demand all the time, if you are an expert in it, you can easily earn lakhs of rupees.

Cost to open a vehicle PUC

  • In every state of India, fees for opening vehicle pollution testing centers have been fixed separately,
  • if we talk about Delhi NCR, then here you have to pay a security fee of 5 thousand and a license fee of 5000.
  • That is, you can easily open a vehicle pollution check center anywhere in Delhi NCR with an investment of only 10 thousand rupees. Therefore, to open this center,
  • you only need to invest 5 to 10 thousand rupees.

Benefits of opening vehicle pollution center

  • If you open a vehicle pollution center,
  • you can easily earn one to two thousand rupees per day and 40 to 50 thousand rupees per month easily through this center.


Risk of opening vehicle pollution center

  • In today’s time, the demand for vehicle pollution centers is increasing day by day in almost rural and urban areas,
  • so from this point of view, you can start this business very easily and without risk.
  • This is a business that will never end and its demand will increase with time.

In this way, you are helping people by reducing the hassle related to their certificate, but you are also benefiting greatly from this.


Q: Did we require any special education degree to open a vehicle pollution center?
Ans: No, but you must be a graduate of this.

Q: Where to open the vehicle pollution center?
Ans: You can open a vehicle pollution center anywhere in small cities and big cities.

Q: How much will be invested in opening a vehicle pollution center?
Ans: Only 5 to 10 thousand rupees.

Q: How much can we earn by opening a vehicle pollution center?
Ans: From 40 to 50 thousand rupees.

Q: What license and registration are required to open a vehicle pollution center?
Ans: Yes, of course.


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